A cutting-edge chatbot platform powered by Pollination AI, capable of generating dynamic text and images seamlessly.
ReactVitePollination AITailwind CSSReact Helmet
Mind Mosaic
A comprehensive blogging platform with React and Appwrite.
ReactReduxAppwritetinyMCETailwind CSS
A real-time chat application with seamless messaging and custom features.
ReactAppwriteAppwrite RealtimeTailwind CSSVite
A modern and secure file-sharing web app with customizable expiry and short links.
ReactAppwriteTailwind CSSVite
QuoteCanvas AI
A customizable AI-powered quote image creator for social media posts.
ReactNode.jsExpressMongoDBTailwind CSSViteGoogle Gemini API
AI Github README Generator
A full-stack GitHub README generator using OpenAI API.
React.jsNode.jsExpress.jsOpenAI API
AI Description Generation
A backend for recruitment platform AI description generation.
Node.jsExpress.jsOpenAi API